Results for 'Elizelma Ortêncio Ferreira'

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  1.  36
    Investigação do grau de tolerância à frustração em presidiários.Elizelma Ortêncio Ferreira & Cláudio Garcia Capitão - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:97-110.
    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o tipo de reação à frustração e os sentimentos agressivos em presidiários. Verificou-se, também, a relação de dependência entre o tipo de delito (furto, roubo, sequestro, homicídio, latrocínio e outros) e o construto agressividade, por meio do teste de Frustração de R..
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    O ideal de Baudelaire por Walter Benjamin.Luciano Ferreira Gatti - 2008 - Trans/Form/Ação 31 (1):127-142.
    O artigo examina a interpretação feita por Walter Benjamin dos poemas de Charles Baudelaire marcados pela noção de ideal, a qual se opõe ao spleen. Benjamin encontra aí o esforço de rememoração de uma experiência plena, a qual constituiria, por sua vez, um elemento essencial à compreensão da modernidade como impossibilidade desta forma de experiência. Com as noções de beleza e de aura, o artigo busca ainda salientar a importância da categoria da distância para a configuração desta forma de experiência.
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    Brazilian public policies for reproductive health: Family planning, abortion and prenatal care.Dirce Guilhem & Anamaria Ferreira Azevedo - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):68–77.
    ABSTRACT This study is an ethical reflection on the formulation and application of public policies regarding reproductive health in Brazil. The Integral Assistance Program for Women's Health (PAISM) can be considered advanced for a country in development. Universal access for family planning is foreseen in the Brazilian legislation, but the services do not offer contraceptive methods for the population in a regular and consistent manner. Abortion is restricted by law to two cases: risk to the woman's life and rape. This (...)
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    The bounded functional interpretation of the double negation shift.Patrícia Engrácia & Fernando Ferreira - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (2):759-773.
    We prove that the (non-intuitionistic) law of the double negation shift has a bounded functional interpretation with bar recursive functionals of finite type. As an application. we show that full numerical comprehension is compatible with the uniformities introduced by the characteristic principles of the bounded functional interpretation for the classical case.
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    Praying for a Miracle: Negative or Positive Impacts on Health Care?Miriam Martins Leal, Emmanuel Ifeka Nwora, Gislane Ferreira de Melo & Marta Helena Freitas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The belief in miracle, as a modality of spiritual/religious coping strategy in the face of stress and psychic suffering, has been discussed in psychological literature with regard to its positive or negative role on the health and well-being of patients and family members. In contemporary times, where pseudo-conflicts between religion and science should have been long overcome, there is still some tendency of interpreting belief in miracle – as the possibility of a cure granted by divine intervention, modifying the normal (...)
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    Meta-Analytic Evidence for a Reversal Learning Effect on the Iowa Gambling Task in Older Adults.Rita Pasion, Ana R. Gonçalves, Carina Fernandes, Fernando Ferreira-Santos, Fernando Barbosa & João Marques-Teixeira - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:298425.
    Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is one of the most widely used tools to assess economic decision-making. However, the research tradition on aging and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) has been mainly focused on the overall performance of older adults in relation to younger or clinical groups, remaining unclear whether older adults are capable of learning along the task. We conducted a meta-analysis to examine older adults’ decision-making on the IGT, to test the effects of aging on reversal learning (45 studies) (...)
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    Colonialidade da Educação Infantil: Análise Crítica Das Práticas Pedagógicas Em Uma Instituição Em Contexto Periférico.Otavio Henrique Ferreira da Silva - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-28.
    Busca-se neste artigo problematizar a manifestação da colonialidade nas práticas pedagógicas de uma instituição de educação infantil situada em contexto periférico a partir da percepção de professoras e famílias. A argumentação e análise teórica adotada partem dos estudos da infância e teoria decolonial/contracolonial. Serão analisadas as conversas estabelecidas com adultos participantes da pesquisa, sendo quatro entrevistas realizadas com professoras e mães de crianças de uma instituição de educação infantil de contexto periférico e negro, localizada no município de Betim – MG. (...)
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    “The Philosophical Thesis of the Identity of Thinking and Being is Just the Opposite of What it seems to be.” Kierkegaard on the Relations between Being and Thought.Gabriel Ferreira da Silva - 2015 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 20 (1):13-30.
    Kierkegaard is often regarded as an opponent of metaphysics per se. However, he not only implicitly espouses metaphysical positions, but also his understanding of existence rests upon an explicit metaphysical differentiation between being qua actuality and being qua thought, which results in a difference between actuality (Virkelighed) and reality (Realitet). I begin by analyzing an apparent contradiction between two of Kierkegaard’s statements on the relations between being and thought, which leads me both to inquire into that distinction and to retrace (...)
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    Princípios de direito: introdução à filosofia e metodologia jurídicas.Paulo Ferreira da Cunha - 1992 - Porto, Portugal: Rés.
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    Pensamento jurídico Luso-Brasileiro: ensaios de filosofia e história do direito.Paulo Ferreira da Cunha - 2006 - Lisboa: Impr. Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
  11.  8
    Dialéctica das consciências e outros ensaios.Vicente Ferreira da Silva - 2002 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Edited by António Braz Teixeira.
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  12.  16
    O Conceito de Liberdade (Freiheit) Como Fundamento da Noção de Educação (Bildung) Em Hegel.André Gustavo Ferreira da Silva - 2012 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 17:3-13.
    Discutimos a relação entre liberdade e educação em Hegel. Primeiramente, apresentaremos a noção de liberdade como sendo processo histórico-dialético. Depois, apresentaremos a noção de Educação em Hegel. Objetivamos demonstrar que, para Hegel, a noção de liberdade fundamenta a noção de Bildung, em que o movimento progressivo da educação (Bildung) ao longo da história da humanidade é uma efetivação do progresso na consciência da liberdade.
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    Heart rate variability analysis by chaotic global techniques in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.Rubens Wajnsztejn, Tatiana Dias De Carvalho, David M. Garner, Luiz Carlos Marques Vanderlei, Moacir Fernandes Godoy, Rodrigo Daminello Raimundo, Celso Ferreira, Vitor E. Valenti & Luiz Carlos De Abreu - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):412-419.
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    Para pensar a 'subjetividade' no debate do sócio-ambientalismo.Dimas Floriani, José Edmilson de Souza Lima, José Julio Nunes Ferreira & Marcelo Stein de Lima Sousa - 2010 - Polis 27.
    Inicialmente, o texto indaga sobre o significado do exercício do filósofo social; pretende também localizar as origens do debate moderno sobre ‘subjetividade’ no pensamento filosófico e social. As idéias norteadoras de Kant, se situam na confluência e na disjunção entre razão (conhecimento) e subjetividade (moral). A partir dessa referência, o debate entre alguns pensadores considerados como pós-modernos (Badiou e Zizek), por um lado, e por outro Castoriadis que recusa esta nomenclatura, vão derivando idéias novas sobre ‘sujeito’ e ‘verdade’. Esse debate (...)
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  15. História das lesões meniscais na reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior.Wilson Mello A. Jr, Paulo Cesar Ferreira Penteado, Adriano Marchetto, Ismael Fernando, Carvalho Fatarelli, Rubens Lombardi Rodrigues & Paulo Henrique Cerqueira - forthcoming - História.
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  16.  34
    Acceptability judgments still matter: Deafness and documentation.Matthew L. Hall, Rachel I. Mayberry & Victor S. Ferreira - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  17.  4
    David Hume on the Thesis of the Transparency of the Phenomena of Consciousness.Vinícius França Freitas & Carlota Salgadinho Ferreira - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (2):245-274.
    This article puts forward two hypotheses about David Hume’s position on the epistemic status of consciousness. Firstly, it is argued that Hume does not offer any explicit argument in favor of the thesis that the mind cannot be mistaken about a mental state of which it is conscious, and some possible interpretations that could offer this argument are questioned. Secondly, it is argued that Hume is committed to the thesis that the mind is conscious of all its mental phenomena as (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty nos arquivos Husserl: uma entrevista com Emmanuel de Saint Aubert.Emmanuel de Saint Aubert, Iracy Ferreira dos Santos Junior, Luís César Oliva & Silvana de Souza Ramos - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):210-237.
    A entrevista concedida por Emmanuel de Saint Aubert a Silvana de Souza Ramos e a Iracy Ferreira dos Santos Junior aborda a história e o papel dos Arquivos Husserl de Paris para o fomento da pesquisa multidisciplinar em fenomenologia. O pensador esclarece qual foi o contato de Merleau-Ponty com os manuscritos de Husserl, e que tipo de leitura, situada e complicada, ele realizou não apenas desses manuscritos, mas da obra de Husserl como um todo. Esse aspecto é particularmente importante (...)
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  19. Altmann, GTM, B23 Amodio, P., B33, B115 Andersen, TS, B13 Ashby, J., B89.H. C. Barrett, T. Behne, N. Chater, M. H. Christiansen, S. Curtin, S. Darling, V. S. Ferreira, N. Franck, S. A. Gelman & R. J. Gerrig - 2005 - Cognition 96:285.
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  20. Felicidade e Bem-Estar Subjetivo entre Professores Universitários.José Augusto Dela Coleta & Marília Ferreira Dela Coleta - 2007 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 9 (2).
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  21. Viagens do olhar europeu sob a herança do filosofar:: do movimento da theoria ao olhar vazio de Narciso.Maria Luísa Portocarrero Ferreira da Silva - 2010 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 19 (37):7-24.
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  22.  29
    Da filosofia, da pedagogia, da escola: liber amicorum Manuel Ferreira Patrício.J. M. De Barros Dias, Luís Sebastião & Manuel Ferreira Patrício (eds.) - 2008 - Évora.: Universidade de Évora.
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    Special issue on decolonialism from a Latin perspective.Ana María Talak, Hernán Camillo Pullido Martínez & Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira - 2024 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 44 (3):141-142.
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    Bioethics and Food Restrictions by Religious Motivations: Decision Making Processes in Health.Marília Fernandes Wettstein, Lia Nunes Ferreira Alves & José Roberto Goldim - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 2 (1).
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  25.  28
    O ‘futuro não é mais como antigamente’.Marcelo Calderari Miguel & Rosa da Penha Ferreira da Costa - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (2):202-217.
    Introdução: as inovações tecnológicas que surgem no contexto dos Arquivos estão diretamente ligadas à sua capacidade de evolução e adaptação. Descobrir e estudar quais dessas novas tecnologias podem ser mais bem aproveitadas nos Arquivos pode ser a diferença entre evoluir ou padecer. Objetivo: mapear as tendências recentes encontradas na literatura científica sobre as mudanças que estão ocorrendo nos Arquivos. Metodologia: foi realizada uma revisão de literatura, para determinar as principais tendências encontradas na literatura científica recente, a partir do ano de (...)
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  26. (1 other version)“Uma história heroica da modernidade”: comentários sobre O Eu impertinente de Josef Früchtl Parte III: O Eu híbrido, Nietzsche, Foucault e o filme de ficção científica.Carla Milani Damião, Edson Lenine G. Prado, Fernando Ferreira da Silva, Peterson S. Pessoa & Talita Trizoli - 2013 - Revista Inquietude 4 (1):188-243.
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    (1 other version)Self-Perception of Changes in Routines in Adults and Older Adults Associated to Social Distancing Due to COVID-19—A Study in São Paulo, Brazil.Adriana Machado-Lima, Angélica Castilho Alonso, Débora Gozzo, Gisele Garcia Zanca, Guilherme Carlos Brech, José Maria Montiel, Marta Ferreira Bastos, Priscila Larcher Longo & Sandra Regina Mota-Ortiz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    COVID-19 is an acute respiratory illness with higher mortality in older adults. This condition is spread person-to-person through close contact, and among policies employed to decrease transmission are the improvement of hygiene habits and physical distancing. Although social distancing has been recognized as the best way to prevent the transmission, there are concerns that it may promote increased depression symptoms risk and anxiety, mainly in older adults. This cross-sectional study aimed to verify self-concept of social distancing in adults compared to (...)
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    DE REPENTE NEGRA: reflexões e problematizações sobre ser uma pessoa negra de pele clara no Brasil.Kissy Cristina do Carmo Ferreira Oliveira - 2023 - Odeere 8 (2):215-232.
    Esse artigo parte de um relato de compreensão recente de sua autora como mulher negra de pele clara. Evocam-se, a partir daí, temas referentes ao pertencimento racial, no caminho percorrido até essa autodeclaração, e se põem em relevo, em perspectiva sócio-histórica, dispositivos como colorismo e tokenismo, a fim de se investigar o entendimento de si como pessoa negra e as formas pelas quais a branquitude pretende controlar relações e interações entre pessoas de diferentes tonalidades de pele.
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    T-pattern analysis of offensive and defensive actions of youth football goalkeepers.Fernando Santos, João Santos, Mário Espada, Cátia Ferreira, Paulo Sousa & Valter Pinheiro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Nowadays, football goalkeepers play an important role in the team's organization, namely, considering the offensive and defensive processes. The purpose of our investigation focuses on the notational and T-pattern analysis of the offensive and defensive actions of elite young football GKs. The participating GKs presented 8 years of experience in the specific position, were internationally selected for the national team of Portugal, and competed in the national U-17 championship of Portugal. Thirty football matches were observed. The observational sample consisted of (...)
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    Textos de Carlos Vaz Ferreira.Carlos Vaz Ferreira - 2008 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República. Edited by Miguel Andreoli, Carlos E. Caorsi, Juan Fló & José Seoane.
  31.  26
    The interactions of π−-mesons with complex nuclei in the energy range MeV: II. The interaction lengths and elastic scattering of 750 MeV π−-mesons in G5 emulsion. [REVIEW]J. E. Allen, A. J. Apostolakis, Y. J. Lee, J. V. Major & E. Perez Ferreira - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (67):833-838.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Ann Hartle, William Kluback, Dean M. Martin, Edward L. Schoen, M. Jamie Ferreira & H. A. Nielsen - 1992 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 32 (3):185-189.
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    Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T.H. Green (review).Phillip Ferreira - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):369-370.
    Phillip Ferreira - Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T.H. Green - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.3 369-370 David O. Brink. Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T. H. Green. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2003. Pp. xiv + 139. Cloth, $27.50. The British idealists have not fared well during the past century. Still, there has been in recent years a renewed interest in the (...)
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    The interactions of π−-mesons with complex nuclei in the energy range MeV. I: The interaction lengths and elastic scattering of 88 MeV π−-mesons in G5 emulsion. [REVIEW]J. E. Allen, A. J. Apostolakis, Y. J. Lee, J. V. Major & E. Perez Ferreira - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (43):858-867.
  35. Leibniz e o hermetismo - A sua ligaçao com Cudworth.Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira - 2011 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 37:37-58.
  36.  5
    Transcendentalizaciones matemáticas ilegítimas y falacias correlacionadas.Carlos Vaz Ferreira - 1940 - Buenos Aires,: [Imprenta López].
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    Hume's Natural History: Religion and "Explanation".M. Jamie Ferreira - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (4):593.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume's Natural History: Religion and "Explanation" M. JAMIE FERREIRA HUME'S BOLDLYSIMPLESTATEMENTof the genesis of religion--that "the anxious concern for happiness, the dread of future misery, the terror of death, the thirst for revenge, the appetite for food and other necessaries" led humankind to see "the first obscure traces of divinity"--is supported by appeals to what he considers plain common sense.' For example, given that at "the first origin (...)
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  38.  37
    (1 other version)John Locke and the Ethics of Belief.M. Jamie Ferreira - 1996 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 59 (4):1105-1107.
  39. Why Don't Concepts Constitute a Natural Kind?Richard Samuels & Michael Ferreira - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):222 - 223.
    Machery argues that concepts do not constitute a natural kind. We argue that this is a mistake. When appropriately construed, his discussion in fact bolsters the claim that concepts are a natural kind.
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    The misfortune of the happy.M. Jamie Ferreira - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (3):461-483.
    Levinas himself raises the question: "why would I feel responsible in the presence of the Face" since "we are separate ontological beings?" This questions the character of our response to the other--both in terms of agency and motivation. While the general reception of Levinas's thought has focused on his description of us as "hostage"--that is, on the moment of assignation (or assignment) by the other--I suggest that Levinas himself also, though not as directly, addresses (as he needs to) the correlative (...)
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  41.  6
    Cual es el signo moral de la inquietud humana?Carlos Vaz Ferreira - 1936 - Montvideo,:
  42. Carlos Vaz Ferreira: vida, obra, personalidad, bibliografía.Sara Vaz Ferreira de Echevarría - 1984 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad Mayor de la Rep. Oriental del Uruguay, Dirección General de Extensión Universitaria, División Publicaciones y Ediciones.
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    A most artistic package of a jumble of ideas.Fernando Ferreira - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (2):205–222.
    In the course of ten short sections, we comment on Gödel's seminal dialectica paper of fifty years ago and its aftermath. We start by suggesting that Gödel's use of functionals of finite type is yet another instance of the realistic attitude of Gödel towards mathematics, in tune with his defense of the postulation of ever increasing higher types in foundational studies. We also make some observations concerning Gödel's recasting of intuitionistic arithmetic via the dialectica interpretation, discuss the extra principles that (...)
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  44.  37
    Robotics and Well-Being.Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, Ana S. Aníbal, P. Beardsley, Selmer Bringsjord, Paulo S. Carvalho, Raja Chatila, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Nicola Fabiano, Sarah R. Fletcher, Rodolphe Gelin, Rikhiya Ghosh, Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu, John C. Havens, Teegan L. Johnson, Endre E. Kadar, Jon Larreina, Pedro U. Lima, Stuti Thapa Magar, Bertram F. Malle, André Martins, Michael P. Musielewicz, A. Mylaeus, Matthew Peveler, Matthias Scheutz, João Silva Sequeira, R. Siegwart, B. Tranter & A. Vempati (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book highlights some of the most pressing safety, ethical, legal and societal issues related to the diverse contexts in which robotic technologies apply. Focusing on the essential concept of well-being, it addresses topics that are fundamental not only for research, but also for industry and end-users, discussing the challenges in a wide variety of applications, including domestic robots, autonomous manufacturing, personal care robots and drones.
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    Newman on belief-confidence, proportionality, and probability.M. Jamie Ferreira - 1985 - Heythrop Journal 26 (2):164–176.
    Book Reviewed in this article: Israel's Prophetic Tradition: Essays in honour of Peter R. Ackroyd. Edited by Richard Coggins, Anthony Phillips and Michael Knibb, Pp.xxi, 272. Cambridge University Press, 1982, £21.00. Essays on John. By C.K. Barrett. Pp.viii, 167, London, SPCK, 1982, £10.50. The Letter to the Colossians. By Eduard Schweizer, translated by Andrew Chester. Pp.319, London, SPCK, 1982, £12.50. Foundational Theology: Jesus and the Church. By Francis Schüssler Fiorenza. Pp.xix, 326, New York Crossroad, 1984, $22.50. The Darkness of God: (...)
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    One’s Own Pastor – Judging the Judge.M. Jamie Ferreira - 2008 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2008 (1):200-215.
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    Repetition, concreteness, and imagination.M. Jamie Ferreira - 1989 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 25 (1):13 - 34.
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    Razão e liberdade: homenagem a Manuel José do Carmo Ferreira.Manuel J. Carmo Ferreira (ed.) - 2010 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da universidade de Lisboa.
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    The expanding realm of human rights.Nick Ferreira - 2008 - Res Publica 14 (1):57-64.
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    Kierkegaard and Nietzsche: Faith and Eternal Acceptance.M. Jamie Ferreira - 1997 - Palgrave MacMillan.
    This book examines the significantly similar, yet finally different, thinking of two nineteenth-century existentialist thinkers, Soren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche. Its focus is on the different ways each envisioned a joyful acceptance of life - a concern they shared. Each strove to give a place to this acceptance in his picture of life, but their conceptions of it are far apart.
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